Himalaya’s trekking on 2017 – From Machermo to Gokkyo

By | October 19, 2017

Some muesli for breakfast and we depart at around 7:35 am.

Again, the path starts ascending forcing us to walk slowly so we can make our breathing come to normal levels.

I see less and less people in this zone, however we continually are passed by an english and swiss expedition, they take the lead whenever we take a rest.

Again, I see porters carrying three or more times the weight we carry. The main sights today are the three lakes.

Gokkyo lake with the sight of the Cho Oyu peak

We arrive early, it is 11:11 when I see the clock, one hour later we have dal bhat and I go to take a nap.

I get up when L. came to the room to order his stuff, I see that X. needs help to arrange his plane to fly around the Everest during the last day, so we buy an Everst-link that he can use to do a whatsapp call to talk to Cristina.

I take the chance to contact my people back home.

After that, we have a friendly chat around dinner about our jobs, families, girlfriends.

Myself, I have a chowmei and we share some hashbrown with egg.

One thought on “Himalaya’s trekking on 2017 – From Machermo to Gokkyo

  1. Pingback: Himalaya´s trekking on 2017 – Like a Dandelion

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