We went to bed at 6pm to be ready to get up at midnight. I used an sleeping pill and ear plugs to avoid the snores of the colleague. The sleeping bag has forst on the outside. I get out early and X. gets mad at me because I did not leave the tent completely open.
We have breakfast and a procession of lights starts moving lead by Karma, and then Luis and Tomas and I join the other groups.
It is a difficult path upwards, full of rocks, and when I look up I only see lights near the rocks , all them ascending towards the stars. Tomás does not feel strong and goes back.
We cross paths where we need to grab ropes and we barely see where we put our feet, but the dark recedes, the sun comes and we reach the snow and the ice, so we start to set up our gear. Karma helps me with the crampons and the harness.
We find the first wall where we need to use the jumar, it is exhausting even if it is only 5 or 10 meters.
Then, it comes….The first pass above the abyss. It is over a several set of aluminium stairs tied to each other. My emotions are frozen so I am able to walk setting my cramponed feet to pass over the crevasse.
Just after passing this, in the distance, it appears a 100 meters wall of ice. I tell Luis that I am afraid and thinking of stopping here but he encourages me continue. We join a queque full of people climbing with crampons and jumar. I reach a point that I am uber thirsty, with so many people the queue takes hours and we need to get strength to keep our arm grabbing the jumar just standing there and trying to avoid to be taken down my the people belows me that draw so near that barely give me space. I get upset with the german below me, because it keeps pushing me to the left, even when I ask him several times to keep the distance.
Looking around I see the snow vertical world where the sherpas moves up and down without difficulty around us, like Spidermen.
At the top, we still have to walk without jumar towards teh very top, a 2 meter square platform. We receive the congratulations from the people there and the beginning I just crawl and sit on the floor, but soon I join Luis and we stand to take some photos. Everything is from eagle point of view.